Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Mini-Caching Event/Marathon

Tim, Karen, Roger, and Gail came over last nite for a dinner party. We had some lasagne and naan with a salad. Pretty pedestrian fare for the Hewitt house. It worked out OK though as it allowed me more time to visit. Not that I really needed it. It seemed that our guests enjoyed our company as they stayed for 6 hours! Not that I mind, actually. Quite the opposite, I was just surprised. Usually a dinner party is a 2-3 hour thing. If I had known it would have been that well enjoyed, I would have planned another activity. Finally a party where we could have finished a game of Trivial Pursuit, or Monopoly.

After we closed the door when they left, Tannis and I looked at each other; puzzled. "What the hell was that?" It sure was nice to visit without being rushed, but seriously! We are so used to friends who come over with their kids of the same age and leave around 8:15 so they can get them in bed. We were both just tickled to have finally reached that eschilon in life where we are able to party a bit later. Thanks Roger, Gail, Tim and Karen. Thanks for helping us grow up.

The kids were real performers all night, climbing all over our guests. Brooke was taking surveys and Mitch was climbing on Roger like he was a jungle gym.

It appears I need more booze. We had an immediate lack of vodka, and it seems Roger likes whisky. Who knew? I had him pegged for a beer guy. Also, the gin seems to be missing. I'll have to rectify this.

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