Sunday, August 23, 2009

Review - George's Burgers and Subs - OPA!

There it is. The Double Fat Boy.  It has been a while since I have had one of these.  I'm generally good for about two of these burgers within one 12 month period.  I had one at VJ's back in May or June, and I decided to try one from Georges on this day in August.
I was out shopping and had some time too kill just after noon.  And having missed breakfast, I was feeling rather hungry.  I was about to head home when I decided to try a place I had never been, but oft considered.
I arrived at the right time.  I was lucky to get a table right away as shortly after I sat down I noticed a lineup build that was still evident when I left 30 mins later.  There is no possible way for this establishment to fit any more patrons into this restaurant.  The challenge of a roundish dining room was met by the finest Greek engineers and I am certain that aside from messing with the fabric of space-time, there is no way another seat could be added.  And it seemed oddly out of scale.  It reminded me of those Fisher Price play houses that had rooms that were just big enough for the furniture, but that was it.  No walking about allowed.  Which I suppose is fine, as Fisher Price people only have that roundish base so you can stuff them into their various vehicles.  No feet.
I was completely surrounded by the all too discernable coversations around me.  The people next to me were new acquaintances. They met the night before at the bar and spent the night together.  She was still wearing her bar clothes and what remained of her up-do.  He was wearing fresh clothes, and a pretty obvious hickey. 
The booth behind me was crammed full of at least 6 guys, one of which had brought his five year old daughter because "the wife was out shopping".  These guys belonged here.  Fixtures.  They were talking about horsepower, hunting, drywall compound, and the waitresses ass.  These were men.  All of them divorced, save for the latecomer with the 5 year old.  But, honestly, any guy that refers to his life partner, and the mother of his child as "the wife" is standing on the sidelines of the painful game of divorce.  But I digress.
The menu here is no surprise.  You will find the same fare at a dozen different places in the city.  Notably Steve's on Ness, the Olympia on Portage, and Johnny's on Marion.  I decide I will try the Double Fat Boy platter.  It was awesome.  I have always thought that even though shredded lettuce is a bit messier lettuce-wise, it prevents a more stain inducing condiment based mishap that can be caused by full leaves of lettuce.  I couldn't finish the whole thing.  I ended up leaving half of the fries, and a couple of bites of the burger.  The whole thing came to 12 dollars including tip and an iced tea.
So there it is.  You have just read an entire page only to find out that Greeks know how to make a decent Fat Boy Platter.  Which is a fact you already knew.  I'm sorry.  Please direct all complaints to the comments link below.

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