Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lift/Transfer Dummy- The Michael Meyers Model

This is terrifying.  One of the Personal Care Homes I work at had this in the multi purpose room.  I assume they are using it as a training aid for some sort of care regimen.  I can only hope it isn't mouth-to-mouth recessitation practices.

How creepy is this?  There are not many ways that this could be made to be more disturbing, and still be allowed to be used in a care home setting.  Paint stained coveralls, a longshoremans touque, and yes, that is duck tape wrapped around his head mafia-style.  And is it just my eye, or does he appear to be reaching "down there" pleasuring himself to the thoughts of the first time he heard Jamie Lee Curtis' scream?  Another ghastly feature of this fellow is his lack of feet.  So it appears he was "hobbled" before he was aysphyxiated with duck tape. 
I can only hope that this isn't a mandatory inservice for all staff.  Because I definitely don't need to see any more of this guy.

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