Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have started to age.

I know. "We all age, you idiot". I get the regular aging. What I mean is the aging where you start to become your parents. Or at least you start to develop the habits of people the age of your parents.

I have begun to enjoy crossword puzzles, sudoku, and those cryptoquip things in the paper. I have become the dad who sits at the kitchen table on a Saturday and does the crossword puzzle. I'm OK with it. And the fact that I am aging has nothing to do with this particular post.

Often when I am doing one of these puzzles, I run across the clue "Mom's Sister", or "Grandma's Daughter". The answer is, of course, "aunt". But I have found that more often than not, I have already solved the last three letters using other clues.

"Honey, can you think of a four letter word for 'Mom's Sister' that ends in 'unt'?"

I'm just sayin'.

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