October the 28th in the Year of our Lord 2008 is officially recorded as the day I went a little bit insane. Or a little bit more insane.
It was on this day I decided to tackle all of the available ICU traditional nano-caches put out by "Eye of Sauron" (probably not his/her real name). Some 30 caches were placed at the base of the lights for the red light cameras all across the city. There was one disabled one, and one that hadn't been found for a while (even ertyu dnf'd a couple of times, and THAT's saying something). I ignored the disabled one, and gave a good effort at the other. Although I feel no guilt for not finding it, as EoS disabled it as well shortly after my efforts.
To make up for the 2 missed caches, I found 2 other ICU caches that were unpublishable due to proximity issues. So, I feel I'm ahead of the game. Mostly because it's MY game, and I tend to make up rules as I need to so I stay ahead of it.
I surprised myself by having a pretty good time doing these caches. I usually don't like nano hides because they often require alot of conspicuous searching. This tends to arouse the attention of people who may become motivated enough to look for whatever it was I may have been looking for and therefore compromizing the hiding spot, or the cache itself. Except for a few exceptions, the caches were is the same basic locations for all of the hides. There were a few that had lost their magnet and as a result had been relegated to cave-dweller status in a nook in the shroud. But for the most part, all caches could be found by a blind person provided his hand were to be guided to the correct pole. (There is a hilarious off-colour joke lurking in that last sentence, but it is to far in the shadows for me to extract).
It took me till nearly midnight to complete all of the caches, but I was only grabbing them quickly between work episodes during the day. And then I went home to make supper, and hit the road with the kids to grab a couple, then went out again later to grab the rest.
My original intent was to cookie-cut my logs. I felt this was the same spirit in which the caches were placed. But as with all things caching-wise, I ended up enjoying myself and wanted to tell my story at a couple of the ides anyhow. So I devised this hybrid log where I stated my mission for the day at the top, and then each cache got a personal note below.
So, thanks for the nano-adventure, EoS. I had more fun on this journey than I thought. One word of advice...silicone the magnet into the container. You'd have less lost magnets.